
Civilised World | World Map

Kingdom of Anret , Anret or Anrette (this means'Southland'. Was archaically called 'Sutherland')
Anret occupies the southern half of the largest island in the Anrel Isles.
30,800 sq miles
Anret is the warmest Anrel nation, sheltered from prevailing rain storms and much drier than the north. The southern plateau has a warm maritime climate, but the central lowland region has low rainfall and is hot and dry in summer.
The land is dominated in the northeast by the huge Laharkin Range which runs the length of the east coast of the island. The region is volcanic and there are several active features around the largest volcano, Mount Arent, which is otherwise dormant. The southern, most populated region is a large uplift plateau created by a lateral fault line, which causes occasional earthquakes. The Ania Plateau receives moderate rainfall, and the north half is hilly and green-forested. The south of the Plateau is fertile and densely populated, with precipitous cliffs around the south coast. Most rivers run north into a central basin, then northwards, plunging over the plateau cliffs onto the plain beneath. Between the plateau and the mountains lies the bulk of the country, but it receives very little rainfall and is mostly arid grassland, except for cultivated areas along the river. There are some settlements along the river Minde but it is otherwise sparsely inhabited, depopulated during the Long War and subject to plainsman bandits. The city of Belisan, at the mouth of the Minde on the southeast coast, surrounds the largest natural harbour in the Anrel Isles. Belisan Freeport is perhaps the most important city in the archipelago, the centre for trade between Anrel and the south.
1.9 M
Hexactic Monarchy . The state is nominally Hexactic, but the king is much more powerful than in other nations and the rule of primogeniture applies. There is a Hexact Council responsible for raising taxes, formulating laws and advising on policy, but the king can raise taxes and enact laws independently, without significant recourse to the council. Hexactic institutions in Anret are weak, and act mostly in an advisory capacity, smoothing relations with the Hexacts of the north and occasionally used as a cover for royal tyranny. Anretian kings tend to be more authoritarian than their northern neighbours, particularly in matters of defence - a fact for which Anretians are curiously proud, though their kings have at times been despotic.
Heth Ania.
Anretian Crown . Trésard fought the Long War against the precursor of the Anretian State, so its kings disdain the Alm coin although it is commonly used in the kingdom. The king issues Crowns (Ceru), gold coins with royal regalia, used particularly in large transactions, and more recently Silver Royals, circular coins used for smaller transactions.
There is a long history of antagonism between Anret and the north, since the time of the so-called 'Dragon War'. Long ago the cities of the north allied to destroy the city of Oracil, the ancient cultural capital in the foothills of the volcanic Mount Arent, accusing it of slavery and other perversions. After the war, refugees from the city established a new kingdom - Anret. After long years of resentment, they struck out against the unholy city of Rasee (Rasia), provoking the bitter Long War which ravaged Anrel for twenty-four years. The war ended nine centuries ago, and the Wall separating the two nations has been open for nearly two centuries - but antagonism still runs deep. The kingdom was founded in 2492 HM, c. Year 58 before the Hornum Calendar.