The Conquest of Bisoa

The Hartheran government planned a cunning and co-ordinated attack, aimed at conquering the Natorn Isles, using all their arts of flattery, diplomacy and guile, as well as overwhelming military force, to achieve their objectives.

Despite being small, the islands were wealthy. The Besoan nations, particularly Sanal, had a vast trading network, their vessels calling at all the major ports on the north Anasthian coast, and as far away as Anrel, Marr Sirque and the west coast of Orror. Their constant squabbles led to them having quite strong naval forces for their size. More importantly, their merchant navies were increasingly visiting Hartheran ports, making large cuts into profitable trade routes between Anrel and the south, and even between Orror and Harthera. The historic Alsaneth navigator Gastrinimer was far more famed than any Hartheran of the time, despite Hartheran attempts to discredit him.

However, the isles lay far from Harthera waters, and it would be difficult to launch a mass attack on well-defended territory, without a nearby base of operations. So, Harthera began secret negotiations with the Ko-kway, a primitive tribal people living on Antyok. The Ko-kway had been displaced from their land, oppressed, persecuted and generally abused by settlers from Besoa. The Ko-kway were distantly related to the Junda islanders, and Harthera set about exploiting this long-standing hatred.

[In 4185 HM, a series of brutal joint attacks by the Ko-kway and the Hartherans allowed Harthera to seize Teraq. Their conquest of the island was brutal. The tribes massacred the Heronbaht population, while Harthera used the port to launch its attack upon Besoa, its main prize. The Prince's son did escape, but most of the island was laid waste. He now lives as a ward of the Duke of Aria, in Northland.]

In 4185, the Hartherans conquered Antyok, in a series of brutal land attacks by the Ko-Kway, supplied with weapons and Hartheran officers. Shortly after, the Alsaneth navy was destroyed at the Battle of Menil Head.

Hartheran diplomats assured the Sanali royal court that they had no interest in further conquest. They were merely helping their blood-brothers, the Ko-Kway, who had suffered under the Princedom, and had merely defended themselves against Alsaneth naval aggression. The Sanali were glad to see the final eradication of the old Heronbaht state, and the smashing of the regicide southern navy. The king seized the opportunity. His army cross the border, and invaded Alsan the following spring. War proceeded for a year, with little progress except for bloodshoot, grinding down both sides. In 4188, a Hartheran fleet burned the Sanali port of Famul, while landing troops in western Alsaneth. The two nations realised their folly and signed an uneasy mutual pact of truce, in the face of their common enemy. Harthera then began a brutal war of conquest, burning cities, massacring thousands, destroying everything in their path until the land became a grey wasteland. The conquest was completed in three years, with Besoa united under a Hartheran military governorship. The King's nephew is now Crown-Prince-in-Exile, living in Belisan Freeport and commanding what remains of the Royal Sanali Fleet, which operates virtually as pirates, attacking Harthern vessels.]