Historic kingdom in Northeast Anasthias, a largely Eloyoun-ethnic people. Oonar was eventually defeated and annexed by Harthera, now roughly occupying the cordrome of Narill. HistoryOonar was essentially an oligarchy, a nation that sought to retain all the heights of Miyarrain art and elegance. Its founders had probably fled north long ago and aped the art and architecture of the old times. Oonari oligarchs hoarded ancient treasures, devices and lore, and had a great aim to recapture the ears of the Gods who had abandoned them, and allowed Miyarous to be destroyed. The kingdom was large and generally wealthy. Its armed forces were well trained and disciplined, and fought in the old style: tightly regimented formations and a variety of complex weapons: long staves with elegantly vicious adamantine steel heads, that were thin, light and retained their razor edge while slashing at their opponents. The kingdom expanded along the River Nar and built cities of soaring conical towers that mimicked the days of old. However, they were merely shells of plaster over rude wood and brick frames, and a Saloyan traveller famously called Oonar "the City of Falling Statues". The Oonarim were arrogant and, in some ways, brutal and ignorant beneath their elegant facade. They lauded thought and beauty, while crushing innovation and original thought. They espoused the old ideals of virtue and liberty, whilst their kingdom was run by slaves, and where 'inferior' races were excluded from participation in education and government. This was certainly a reason used by the Hartherans to crush the then decadent kingdom, but in its heyday, Oonar was a garden kingdom of tranquility and beauty. |