
(NB The following article is now obsolete. Since 4188 HM the entire island has been under Hartheran military government, renamed the Hartheran Cordrome of Bisoa, administered from the naval headquarters at Famul.)

Civilised World | World Map

The Kingdom of Sanal, commonly called Royal Sanal.
The northern half of Besoa island, the largest land mass on an oceanic ridge north of the east coast of Anasthias, at 44 o N.
Sanal has a warm maritime climate, often humid in summer, with high rainfall in winter.
Sanal traditionally occupied the wide basin of the river Palkan, whose tributaries flow from the southern uplands into the Gulf of Perilth, where the capital city is located. The river has a wide fertile flood plain of grasslands and water meadows, and has been farmed for millennia. To the east is the hill province of Heronbar, which surrounds Famulin Bay. This region is drier, being semi-arid forest and plain. The rocky west coast suffers from tidal storms, and is sparsely inhabited.
Hereditary Monarchy . The kingdom was influenced by Hexactic principles, but the monarchs became both more benevolent and more wary of 'mob-rule' after the revolution in Alsaneth, which overthrew the kings of the south. Sanali Kings traditionally work hard to maintain the love and respect of their people, and in the national psyche the king stands for justice, fairness, peace, order and defence against tyranny, the traditional Hexactic virtues.
the Picot , a round silver coin minted with the head of the king
Sanal's traditional calendar is Years Regnant, which makes it difficult to precisely determine the kingdom's origin.
Certainly the nation has existed in various forms for two millennia or more, and there are countless heroic legends of the deeds of ancient kings. Its current boundaries date from just after the Battle of Four Kingdoms in 3134 HM, when it annexed its eastern neighbour, the Kingdom of Heronbar. Afterwards came a period of uneasy truce, following the regicide in Alsaneth, their southern enemy. The two fought many border wars, gradually settling into their modern boundaries. Alsaneth has always been seen as a fearful enemy, both militarily and ideologically, but no king has been foolhardy enough to attempt a conquest of the entire island.