Virid and Green

These two terms are used throughout the world to describe the two very different plant families on Helevos.

Green vegetation is relatively soft and human-friendly, providing crops and products for building, eating and other uses. Green plants are usually the mainstay of cultivated lands.

Virid plants are mostly found in wild areas, and have leaves with a bright lime or acid green hue, some evening having purple or magenta foliage. Virid leaves often have gills or succulent pores. Virid plants are often poisonous to humans and other redbloods, and are considered invasive weeds in green areas. In AnasThias some virid plants are actually cultivated for various purposes, but in Anrel and the northern isles, there is a heavy cultural taboo against them. Nevertheless there are extensive virid forests in the wilds of Anrel.

The roots of virid and green plants are toxic to each other, so they cannot grow side by side. In areas where both are present, they grow together in stands. In areas where one or other variety is in the majority, the opposing variety tends to die off.