
(NB The following article is now obsolete. Since 4188 HM the entire island has been under Hartheran military government, renamed the Hartheran Cordrome of Bizoa, administered from the naval headquarters at Famul.)

Civilised World | World Map

Officially The Alsaneth Commonwealth, or simply Alsan.
The southern portion of the island Besoa, lying due north of the eastern coast of Anasthias, at approx 43 N
The region has a warm maritime climate with heavy rainfall in winter, and protracted hot dry spells in summer. It's coastline is well protected from storm tides by precipitous cliffs.
The majority of the nation is upland plateau. There are few true mountains, just long chains of hills running north-south. The main area of population is in the southeast, where a crescent of cliffs encircles the bowl-like Delgeth river valley. The uplands are green-forested, and the valley is fertile and farmed. The western coast is storm-prone, the province of Derailad being rocky and windswept, dotted by the ruins of abandoned settlements from the time of the Battle of Four Kingdoms.
Hexactic Commonwealth . The old kingdom was deposed in a brief civil war in 3137 HM, three years after the Battle of Four Kingdoms, replacing the old order with a government inspired by the Hexact Doctrine. However, it is the only Hexactic government not to have a king, and instead a standing committee governs it. Order is maintained by an inner council, who have gained a reputation for tyrannical enforcement of the law.
The ancient royal capital was at Delgeth, but the founders chose the second city of Helmeth, with its strong wall and deep defended harbour, as its first capital. It has remained the seat of government ever since, although Delgeth is richer and the capital of trade and culture.
The Alsaneth Alm, a hexagonal silver coin locally called a Hand because of the hand-symbol stamped on it.
3137 HM is Year 4 of the Commonwealth, which replaced the Years Regnant of the old kings. (The current year is Year 1077)

Alsan was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Besoa, which fought the Battle of Four Kingdoms (3134 HM). Alsan annexed its ruined neighbour Derailad shortly after in a bitter war, which so discredited the kingdom that a conspiracy of minor nobles, scribes, courtiers, lawyers and administrators assassinated the king and senior officials. There was a brief though lacklustre civil war, in an already war-sick nation, and eventually a Commonwealth was established, based on Hexactic principles learned in the north. The Sanali kings reacted in horror to the regicide and attempted to restore order, but their nation also had little appetite for further warfare. Ever since, the two nations have lived in uneasy peace, with regular border skirmishes and a covert war of intrigue.

[In 4188 HM Alsan was invaded and conquered by Harthera. See Sanal .]